One-to-one SACRED SOUND HEALING THERAPY – 90 minute sessions consisting of Enquiry and Soundbath. Gentle, yet powerful and profound.

A deep healing therapy for life-changing shifts at Root Cause of Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Issues. Upgrades and Downloads as well as Release from stuck patterns and behaviours.
Everything in the Universe vibrates, from the cells in our bodies to the stars. The entirety of our world is constructed around and from vibration, and vibrating matter. The tones and harmonics of resonant sonic instruments affect our brainwave frequencies, inducing relaxation and evoking expanded states of consciousness.
The £ exchange is £60/£70/£80. You choose what you can afford. Cash or transfer.
Frequency + Intent = Healing |
In the heart of our spiritual essence, our mind generates beautiful waves of energy – Delta, Theta, Alpha, and Beta waves. Each resonates with a unique aspect of divine consciousness. Delta Waves (0.5 to 4 Hz): Associated with deep, dreamless sleep and regeneration. Theta Waves (4 to 8 Hz): Associated with REM sleep, meditation, creativity, and deep relaxation. Alpha Waves (8 to 14 Hz): Associated with relaxed, calm, not thinking states, and pre-sleep and pre-waking states. Beta Waves (14 to 30 Hz): Associated with active thinking, active attention, focus, and problem-solving. |

“Ali is a beautiful caring lady, with amazing intuition and wisdom. She gave me a sound healing in the yurt and I’ve never experienced anything like it. I’ve had many sound healings but as soon as she started to play the gong I felt the blockage we were focused on start to disperse from my solar plexus. I had to breathe it all out to clear myself of it as it was so powerful. I recommend anyone to try one of Ali’s sound healings. With much gratitude and love ❤”
“Dear all, I highly recommend the healing/sound healing and spiritual guidance offered by Ali Oakwood, at her beautiful home and yurt at Wivelsfield Green. Ali is a true and wise woman with a gift of holding a sacred healing space for others. Ali also offers wonderful sound healing offerings in the yurt, which are spiritually guided and channeled. Highly recommended!” Mark Laurie, Counsellor/Psychotherapist.
“On Monday I received the most powerful healing session from Ali. It was as if a piece of gentle loving magic had occurred. Clearing an old energy block. Since then I have definitely felt more ALIGNED, INTEGRATED and suddenly have a lot more CLARITY about certain situations. The process is effortless and at times blissful. Ali is a delight and the space is divine… HIGHLY RECOMMENDED” Helen
“I’ve had two wonderful sound healing sessions with Ali in her yurt. She combines compassion & competency to deliver soul soothing sessions. I felt very welcome, safe and held. I was able to let go. This is very rare for me as trauma symptoms impact most moments of my life. Ali gets it. As a health professional & someone who’s explored many options for my health Ali is easily one of the best practitioners I’ve ever met. She has a natural ability to connect with people & most importantly nudge them gently to connect with themselves. If you need nourishment, topping up, I trust Ali will be able to help you. I came across Ali’s live gong transmissions on FB during the first lockdown. I hadn’t met her but every day I felt like her words spoke directly to me. Her kind eyes & heartfelt desire to help was so clear. I am so grateful to have connected with her.” Lara
“I have been receiving treatments from Ali. They continue to be an insightful, valuable & life changing experience. I cannot express how much it has helped me overcome many obstacles in my life, some big some small, but collectively has changed my whole perspective and outlook in an entirely positive way. Always a welcoming, relaxing and professional experience, I would highly recommend Ali to anyone. Xxxx” Fran
“I had won a raffle prize of a session with Ali. on my first visit I was helped with the l loss of my husband I came out really happy and could look at his photos with joy instead of sadness. Since then I have seen Ali regularly and she has helped with situations from my childhood which I had brought into adult hood which I hadn’t realised had hampered me. I am a much happier person.” J.T.
“… was an invaluable lifeline for me during a very dark time in my life. The gift Ali has is truly amazing, she is able to put lives “back on track” when everything seems so hopeless.I feel so lucky that Ali has been part of my life and was able to help me live my life in a more contented way .Thank you Ali xxx” Nicky
“I went to see Ali for some therapy because I was grieving, had anxiety and felt stuck in my life generally. Just after 2 sessions I felt so different. I was able to move on with my grief and left a job I was unhappy in. My anxiety issues are now gone too. I can highly recommend Ali.” Irene
“”I have found Ali’s sessions to be truly magical. Using this modality she quickly and directly gets to the root of the issue that I am most ready to shift or release. For me the actual healing occurs in a light, gentle and yet deeply profound manner – i believe – at a cellular level. Ali holds the whole experience effortlessly and lovingly. It is completely “normal” for divine transformation to occur” Helen
“I have been receiving treatments from Ali on a regular basis for over 4 years, since my diagnosis of advanced malignant melanoma. This healing has helped to decrease my fear and anxiety by replacing it with self acceptance, inner peace and strength. The sessions have become an invaluable part of the healing process because of the holistic nature of the healing, addressing the whole person, not just the illness.” Evelyn
“My sessions have given me an understanding of my true self; of who I am and who I want to be .They identified to me that many of the aspirations’ of my life and the pressures that were felt at the beginning of my journey were actually not a true indication of my own individual needs and that to continually strive to keep up this pace in my life was actually not rewarding to my mental, emotional and physical needs.” Sue
“I decided to visit Ali after my father had died. I had become very run-down, having to deal with his affairs and terminal illness for five months. I was also trying to come to terms with my difficult relationship with him. Ali’s work rebalanced my physical body. However, she also gave me valuable insights into childhood issues and a better understanding of how my father’s attitudes had affected me. I left the session with lots of useful things to mull over, together with a greater acceptance of who I was and that the ‘path’ I had taken in life had been right! ” SR
“I have had many healing sessions with Ali. I always admire her capacity to hold and guide the process in such a safe, contained and yet light way. We have worked together on many deep issues that, once uncovered and transformed, release blocked energy in me, allowing me to feel more empowered, integrated and whole. In the most recent session I was particularly impressed by how she seemingly and expertly incorporated a number of healing modalities to support the core energy work being delivered. I was carrying an old mental wound that was impacting on me physically. Her new approach enabled us to “treat” the issue in a truly holistic way. Using sound vibration, and some talk therapy, I was easily able to assess the hurt feelings and then dissolve them with love. Ali has much experience and is highly intuitive, she works from a place of deep understanding and acceptance with a knowing of herself. The sessions are profound and gentle. Truly holistic.” Helen